Passive income for Creatives: Affiliate Marketing

*Some links below are affiliate links meaning that if you choose to click through and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no cost to you. Read my disclaimer.

Passive income for Creatives: Affiliate marketing

How many times in the past month have you shared a product you love with someone you know? When we’ve experienced a satisfying result from something, we can’t help but rave about it!

Whether you’re talking about your new favorite flavor of Kombucha, your favorite new business software, or even the online course that changed your life ;) You’re constantly influencing the purchasing decisions of everyone around you.

If this sounds like you, you might be missing out on making $1,000’s in passive income! In this post, I’ll give you some tips for becoming an affiliate with some of your favorite brands so you can start making passive income with affiliate marketing today!

passive income for creatives: affiliate marketing


When you hear the words “affiliate marketing” you probably start thinking about an Instagram story with you in front of a mirror talking about your outfit and encouraging people to swipe up. While that scenario is definitely possible, it’s not the only way to succeed at affiliate marketing. The common misconception is that you have to be an influencer to make money through affiliate marketing. While it helps to have an engaged online audience that you can share your affiliate link with, it’s not completely necessary. 

Affiliate marketing is when you promote a product or service for another brand. Through affiliate marketing, you can make a commission off any sales you make. If you help make a sale they will usually pay you a percentage of the sale. What you may not realize is that many of the brands you’re connected to and already sharing with your network of friends and followers make it really easy to get a kickback for referrals.

For example, if you work with clients you could share your link directly to a client if you know it’s something that would serve them well. Affiliate programs work especially well with digital products (as opposed to physical products). It typically doesn’t cost the creator anymore to sell a digital product and they can give the affiliate marketer a higher percentage of the sale.


My very first tip for becoming an affiliate is to start with your favorite programs and resources. Make a list of all the programs, products, and courses, you’re obsessed with and can’t live without. Some examples for me include Honeybook, Canva, and Creative Market. It’s important that you actually care about these things and would be excited about sharing them with your audience. People will be able to tell if you’re being insincere. It takes a lot of time and dedication to get your audience to know, like, and trust you. The quickest way to lose that trust is to be constantly selling, so be selective and share only the things you can say you’re a die-hard fan of. 

Once you’ve compiled your list of favorites, head over to their website to look around. Once you have an account they may offer a referral program with a unique link or code for you to share with your family and friends. If you don’t see anything on their website simply google: “x (brand)” affiliate program. You may find that the company you’re looking for uses a third-party platform like Awin or Refersion. 

Something to note is that when you apply they will ask for your website and/or social media handles. Some platforms require you to have a certain number of followers or monthly views on your website while others do not. If you’re still growing your audience, no worries. Just look for one that doesn’t require a minimum number of followers and continue to grow your audience until you can apply again.


Ok, so you’ve applied and been accepted as an affiliate with some of your favorite brands. What’s the next step? You want to get your link into the hands of as many people as possible, but remember the golden rule: be sincere. People will be turned off if you come across as too “salesy” or insincere. Here are 10 different ways you can share your affiliate links:

  1. In a blog post.

  2. In your email newsletter.

  3. On your podcast.

  4. An Instagram post or reel - This is the best for sharing a coupon code or a “call to action” that points people to a link in your bio. 

  5. An Instagram story - now that everyone gets the link sticker it’s infinitely easier to share!

  6. In your Facebook group.

  7. On your Facebook Page.

  8. On Twitter.

  9. A “recommendations” or “favorite things” page on your website.

  10. Directly with clients, friends, and family.


So you’re all set up and eager to start sharing your links and earning that passive income. Before you dive in, there are a few tips and best practices I’ve learned from my experience being an affiliate.

First, refer to your affiliate contract. Some companies like Amazon will not allow you to include affiliate links in emails. Make sure you know the fine print before you start sharing. Also, you may need to include a disclaimer when sharing your affiliate link. I like to err on the side of being transparent about sharing an affiliate link. People appreciate honesty and you have nothing to hide anyway since you genuinely love these products!

Want to learn how to implement affiliate marketing and other passive income streams into your creative business?

Let’s chat more in one-on-one coaching! I’ve developed a signature method for building multiple streams of income into your business, which I walk you through step by step making sure you master each checkpoint along the way!

I hope that after reading this post, you feel inspired to look into your favorite brands, products, courses, etc., and see if they have an affiliate program that might be a good fit for you. Remember, it’s a lot easier for most people to sell someone else’s product than it is to sell their own so dive in and have fun with it. Earning passive income doesn’t have to be difficult and affiliate marketing may be the right avenue for you!

Curious about what other methods of passive income are available to creatives?

Read more in the Passive Income for Creatives Series Here


Passive Income for Creatives: PRINTABLE PDFs


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